At Taoist Wellness Academy, we are committed to guiding you on a journey towards holistic wellness, embracing the ancient wisdom of Taoism.

To get started on your path to greater health and inner harmony, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals that form the foundation of our teachings.

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Morning Adjustments

Start Your Day with Intention.

Mornings set the tone for the entire day. In Taoist philosophy, the morning is a sacred time for self-reflection, self-care, and setting intentions.

To make the most of your mornings, we recommend the following adjustments:

Breathing Exercises

Begin your day with mindful breathing to oxygenate your body and calm your mind. This practice is designed to enhance vitality and mental clarity.


Spend time in meditation to center yourself and cultivate a sense of inner peace. We will teach you various techniques to connect with your inner self.


Gently stretch your body to awaken your muscles and promote flexibility. We'll guide you through movements that promote physical vitality.

A Taoist Daily Timetable

Our daily timetable is designed to help you incorporate Taoist principles into your daily routine. We believe that by bringing balance to your life, you'll experience profound well-being and harmony.

Structuring Your Learning

Your Personal Journey

We understand that every individual's path to wellness is unique. Our academy encourages you to structure your learning at your own pace. You can choose from various courses and resources to tailor your journey according to your preferences and objectives.

Self-Paced Learning

Explore our library of online courses, articles, and videos, allowing you to learn at your speed.

Community Engagement

Join our vibrant community of like-minded individuals to share experiences, insights, and support.


For personalized guidance, consider one-on-one mentorship sessions with Master Gu.

At Taoist Wellness Academy, we are here to support and guide you as you embark on your journey to holistic wellness through the wisdom of Taoism. Our focus on morning adjustments, moving & stretching fundamentals, a Taoist daily timetable, and personalized learning structures will help you achieve balance and harmony in your life.

Get ready to embrace a new level of well-being and experience the transformative power of Taoist wellness. Join us on this remarkable journey today!

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